Study Abroad

At the end of my freshman year, I started looking at study abroad programs in archaeology or anthropology. After a few weeks of looking at different programs, I decided instead of doing a study abroad for a few weeks that I rather do a whole semester abroad. I then found the perfect program: Irish archaeology at the University of Cork with an additional 8-week program! I was so excited and always wanted to go to Europe and especially the United Kingdom! After applying, getting excepted into the program, and figuring out the finances, the worst thing that has ever happened: Covid-19 hit. Once Covid-19 shut down the whole world, I had to make the extremely hard decision to cancel my semester abroad. I was luckily able to defer my application and fees to the next semester so I could reapply. A few weeks later I received an email from the study abroad program informing me that the University of Cork is no longer offering the archaeology program. Covid-19 and 2020 struck again.

Now I am once again on the hunt for another study abroad program and hoping the Covid-19 will be gone like 2020!