EDUC 245: HONS: Human Growth as a Function of Development

In this course we learned about the cognitive, social, and physical development of children from conception through adolescence. This course allowed me to learn more about why children act the way they do and how to act towards a child to get them to listen to you. Throughout this honors course, we had class discussions where we were able to gain a greater understanding of the topics being taught. Dr. Tackett also gave us some assignments to teach the class a few topics throughout the semester to allow us to get used to speaking in front of a classroom since most of us are education majors. Over the course of the semester, we were given the assignment of choosing a topic related to child development and researching it to write a research paper. Dr. Tackett helped us to understand how to write a paper and gave us class time to peer review each other’s papers as well as encouraging us to get feedback from our peers about our research topics. Overall, this class has made me feel much more prepared for my future career as a teacher and has helped me to feel more comfortable speaking in front of others.


This is a my research paper I wrote for this course on Parenting Styles and the impact they have on the child over the course of their life. Throughout the course, we learned that parents have a great impact on the lives of their children based on various factors such as: economic status, ethnicity, and race. In hearing this, I wanted to look further into it to learn why parents have such a great impact on their children and how to give a child the best life possible. In doing this research, I learned many techniques that I will use in my future career to help children who may be abused or mistreated and how I will treat my students in the future.