PSYC 101: Introduction to Psychology

Introduction to Psychology allowed me to further my understanding of why people act the way they do and how to understand others. In this course, my professor, Dr. Ritzert, valued hands-on learning. This led him to giving us many group assignments and scenario based assignments to help us understand how the information we were learning can help us in our everyday lives and in our future careers. This also gave me the opportunity to enhance my communication skills, allowing me to develop more as a team member, contribution to the group. This class was very beneficial to my education because it will help me in my future career to better understand my students and how to best help them.

This is an experiment that we did individually in this course. These experiments were very helpful because they allowed me to apply my learning and gain a deeper understanding of the topics being taught. This experiment talked about Beer Goggles and how they effect our vision similarly to how being under the influence effects our vision. This helped us to determine that being under the influence is unsafe to oneself and others.