Information Commons + Learning Center = The Learning Commons!

The Learning Center (formerly the Academic Support Center) is moving into Greenwood Library on Thursday, September 29.

The Learning Center offices are on the east side of the Information Commons. Lisa Burns, the Tutoring Coordinator, is in the Alcove facing Brock Commons, and Rebecca Sturgill, the Director, is in Room 153. Between them is the Writing Center, in the space that it has occupied for a year.

At the Alcove, students can get information about Math Lab, Writing Lab, or Foreign Language Lab sessions. There is no charge for these open labs, and students do not have to sign up in advance. Students can also arrange for tutoring in other subjects at a nominal fee.

Like the Library, the Learning Center is a place where all students can participate in collaborative learning, academic inquiry, and individual consultation. The addition of the Learning Center to the Information Commons area will create a comprehensive Learning Commons, providing a variety of learning opportunities for students in one central location.

Please call 2393 for further information.
