What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is the study of physiological, biomechanical, and psychological movement of the human body. Kinesiologists work with individuals to improve their health, physical movement, psychomotor behavior, and even performance. This scientific study can help a patient move better, be healthier, and live longer.

The study of Kinesiology was originally created in the early 1960s by a chiropractor with the name of Dr. George Goodheart, DC. He first discovered this new study as Applied Kinesiology when he realized the similar relationship between the muscles, organs, and glands of the human body. Dr. Goodheart tested the muscles resistance, strengths, and weaknesses through his work as a chiropractor. He changed this new study to be known as Kinesiology due to his discovery of relieving the physical disabilities, such as muscle spasms, which has led to many health questions to be answered.

Dr George Goodheart

“Applied Kinesiology had a simple beginning in 1964, based on the concept that antagonist muscle weakness is involved in most muscle spasms and, indeed, is primary.” – Dr. Goodheart


