Scholarship is a key aspect of the Cormier Honors College. Maintaining a strong GPA and participating actively in learning are important parts of being an honor student, and I have strived to achieve the high academic expectations of the Honors College. I worked hard in all of my classes and am proud to have been inducted into Alpha Lambda Delta, a society of first-year honor students, which selects students based on stringent GPA requirements, and was more recently inducted into Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest, all-discipline honor society. Also in my first year at Longwood I took an Honors Research Seminar course and presented the research my team and I worked on at the Honors poster session. Last year, I participated in the Honors poster session with my enhancement project for my major course GAND 410: Introduction to 3D modeling. Most recently, I presented an experiment that I performed along with my fellow Honors classmates Brianna Figueroa and Amanda Topping in our BIOL 101 class that looked for the presence of GMOs in everyday food products. These experiences really got me involved actively in academics and research and helped me contribute to the scholarship of the Cormier Honors College.