Dear Senior Self,
I hope all is well. The first semester of freshman year I had a rocky start, but this transition from high school to college has made me become more responsible. With lacrosse and classes, I have learned to manage my time wisely and prioritize. Additionally, the Honors and LIFE STEM programs contribute to the workload, however, they are integrated into my classes so it is doable.
My first Biology exam I received a D because I did not know the day that it was going to be on so I didn’t study beforehand. I should have checked the syllabus and wrote the date in my agenda book to prevent this. Also, some of my assignments could have been completed with more care. This did not happen because I waited until the last minute to complete them. Time management is incredibly important and now I am implementing it in my lifestyle. Right now my grades are good, but as the semester continues, my goal is to increase and secure them.
Collegiate lacrosse is definitely different than high school because the competition is better and it requires commitment. It took some getting used to because I had to adapt to how I play to meet the coaches’ standards. There is always room for improvement so I just try my best; if the coach gives feedback I retain the information and apply it the next time. Being a freshman means learning how the team operates, what the goals of the team are, and how to contribute with accomplishing these said goals. That being said, I signed up for this task and I will 100% make sure that I do my part.
As time goes on, all the aspects of college will begin to get easier and more natural. If something goes wrong, keep your head up and continue forward. When you look back, you will realize how much I have grown and been proud of everything you have accomplished. I believe that you will do great things!
Freshman year KK

This is me making an assist in a home game v.s. American.