This is a picture of me dipping my paintbrush in the paint bucket.
Service is a voluntary action done to help others and is something that anyone is capable of doing.
During the Honors Retreat, my group traveled to Hull Springs Farm. We were split up into groups based on what task we wanted to do. I was placed in the group that helped paint the barn. I honestly thought this activity was fun because I like to paint and I think it is relaxing. Afterward, they needed two volunteers to clean out the horse stables. I left my art station and they told us to grab a shovel. I quickly realized what they wanted me to do (luckily I wore some old shoes!) We entered the stables and started scooping up what the horses left behind and put it in a pile outside of the stables. The feeling of giving someone a helping hand is incomparable so I don’t care about the service being enjoyable or not.