Project Phase One

Abigail Janney

SOCL 222-01

Dr. Bidwell

September 20, 2019

Memory Games for Cognitive Function

            Cognitive development in young children is an important aspect in cultivating the basic skill sets needed in life. Children should be exposed to activities that help with their development, growth, and learning. Parents can use different activities and techniques to enrich the brains of their young children. A memory matching game with shapes and colors is a fun and easy way for parents to cultivate important developmental skills in their young children.

Parents with children between the ages of three and five are able to play a memory matching game with colors and shapes to help with color and shape recognition, cognitive ability, and memory retention. There are many benefits associated with developing a child’s memory capacity, including the improvement of “self-awareness, communication skills, social skills and self-confidence” (“Educational Benefits,” n.d.). A memory matching game also facilitates parental involvement because the parents can play the game as well while they help their children play. This activity is inexpensive and can be played in under thirty minutes.

A memory matching game with shapes and colors could either be bought or made using markers and little pieces of paper. Each paper or card should be laid out on a flat surface faced down. During a turn, one card is flipped over and then another card is flipped over in hopes of matching the image to the first card’s image. If a match is made, the player keeps those cards next to him\her. If a match is not made, the cards are flipped back over and the game continues with the next player. Preschoolers specifically can benefit from remembering which cards are where, and matching different colors and shapes. It is a cheap, easy, and fun game that positively impacts children’s cognitive, social, and emotional development.



n.d. Educational Benefits of Memory Games for Kids. Retrieved Sept. 19, 2019, from