Professional Development

Youth Protection Certification: 

Through Alpha Phi Omega (service organization) I have completed two different training/certification courses for youth protection. The first of the classes was through the Boy Scouts of America, and we were required to complete this course in order to work with children on Merit Badge Day (spring 2019). The second training courses were through New Life Church, where we were required to take a class before volunteering in the nursery. 

While I already knew some of the information we went over in these classes, I still learned lots of new things as well. We went over lots of topics, including spotting the signs of child abuse. I have lots of prior experience working with children, and I know that these courses will greatly benefit me in the future. It could really make a positive change in the world if more people were to take these classes and see how to appropriately act around children and to pick up on warning signs of possible child abuse. 

Mock Interviews:

In the Fall of 2020, we conducted mock interviews with business professionals during my Professional Development class. Even though the interview was fake, it was still very realistic and I treated it like I would any other interview. My interviewer gave me very positive feedback and noted my passion and enthusiasm about the job. I am thankful for the opportunity to practice interviewing, since I will likely have more interviews in the future.

MANTS (Trade Show):

I have been doing the marketing for my family’s retail garden center for several years. In the winter of my freshman year I was able to attend the Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show. At this gigantic convention, I was able to network with other marketers and learn display techniques. I did not simply just walk by and look at how vendors were set up, I made sure to interact with them and talk about their products. Not only was this fun, but it was also a very valuable experience.