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1.3 Analyze critically and apply the major principles of ecology and evolution.

The biology core curriculum at Longwood University requires several classes for all biology students, after the freshman introduction classes are completed, there are three required pillars that cover three major fields of biology. Each student is required to complete one course in each pillar. One of the pillars is ecology and evolution.

Biodiversity Inventory of Lancer Park Floodplain in Farmville, Virginia

In my sophomore year at Longwood University I participated in ecology research where I worked with a research team of five people. We went out into the field and each focused on a specific type of animal. I focused on lepidopterans, or butterflies and moths. I documented the diversity and abundance of them. It gave me good field experience, and allowed me to apply statistical analysis to ecology data. I also presented a poster with all of the data at the Longwood Showcase for Research and Inquiry.

Denny: Denisova 11 in the Context of Evolution

In the ecology and evolution pillar, I took evolution. I wrote a literature review about an evolution topic of my choosing, which was the Denisova Cave in Siberia. I used many different previous literature to educate myself on this topic and then present it and share my thoughts on it. This was a good experience for me because I had previously had no classes that focused specifically on evolutional concepts.

Wildlife Club

Throughout my senior year, I have been an officer in the Wildlife Club. We have speakers visit, go on trips, and have educational meetings where we pick an interesting topic to study. This has allowed me to apply my knowledge in an outreach form and to include others in an education but fun environment. Although I do not have physical evidence of this, I believe this was a great way to apply my ecology and evolution knowledge.

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