Letter to Senior Self

Dear 2022 Adam,


We both know how much we don’t like these types of activities, but deep down we know this time it’s different. When you read this, it’ll be 2022 and you’ll be graduating soon. This chapter of your life will close and the next one will open. As of writing this letter, that chapter will be going into a master’s degree in Environmental Engineering. That chapter will be full of surprises and turns but know that even back in time, I’m rooting for you. The main thing I want to happen is when you read this letter, you look back and see at how far you’ve come and what you have accomplished.

Writing this, I currently am enjoying life as a freshman and couldn’t be happier with everything that has happened up to this point. I’m still adjusting to some aspects though. One of those things is the position switch from middle to outside/right side on the club volleyball team. All I hope is you’ve figured out the timing! Another aspect I’m still adjusting to is how the classes are taught. At this point, I feel like I’m doing okay, but we both know “okay” isn’t enough. Currently, you’re passing all your classes with A’s, except Chemistry. However, I think we both know that Chemistry is the hardest class you’re taking this semester. As of now, our Intro to Environmental Science professor wants to recruit me for research due to our love of the atmosphere and climate change. I hope that it all worked out in the end!

As of now, our shell is cracking and we’re starting to come out of it. Some things are still hard to do (We both know what it is…), but I’m doing new experiences to try and break out of it. For example, I’m doing the Spirit Leader dance at our first Oktoberfest. Hopefully, that helped at least a bit! Another way is how the LIFE STEM family has helped to change your experience. Even though it’s been about a month and a half, they’ve changed me more than words to describe. I hope that even in the future, they continue to have a positive impact on you.

One last thing before I leave you to go off into the world, remember to ALWAYS, practice winning every day. I never stopped living by this quote since we first heard it from Coach Kilby in sophomore year and I hope that you’ll still live by it as this chapter of your life ends and a new one opens.


Best of Luck,

Adam S. Gyori