2018 Graduate Research Symposium

As a part of the Spring Symposium for Research and Creative Inquiry, 63 Longwood graduate students, spanning six programs, participated in the 3rd annual Graduate Research Symposium. The symposium consisted of two poster sessions and oral presentations.
Poster Session I
1st Place: “The Effect of Head Position and Postural Support on Simulated Pill Swallows” by Katie Johnson, Colleen Johnson, Laura Mixon & Courtney Spates of the CSD program
2nd Place: “Comparison of Coaching and Family-Based Treatment Model in Early Intervention” by Morgan Arthur, Danielle Brooks & Rachael Marz of the CSD program
2nd Place: “Achievement Tests of Student with Intellectual Disability” by Arissa Alley, Alex Maddox & Angela Nigrelli of the SPED program
3rd Place: “Street Outreach Worker Program” by Paul McFarland of the HPE program
Poster Session II
1st Place: “Effects of Sensory Enhancement on Ratings of Food Acceptability” by Tia Javier, Kristen Knowsley & Augusta Reisling of the CSD program
2nd Place: “Does Speaking Fundamental Frequency Influence Ratings of Speaker Comptenence and Social Attractiveness?” by Laurin Bowman, Katie Lester, Molly Santaniello & Chelsey Tanner of the CSD program
2nd Place: “The Force of ADHD on Kylo Ren’s Academic Achievement” by Jovia Moody, Michelle Painter & Jennifer Trate of the SPED program
3rd Place: by “The Effects of Academic Advising on First Generation College Students on Academic Probation” by Ian Walker & Quincy Goodine of the Counselor Program
Distance Education Poster Session
Winner: “Teaching Digital Reading Skills in the Middle School Library” by Kristina Chilian of the School Librarianship program
Oral Presentations
1st Place: “Impact of Pediatric Neurocognition on Literacy Acquisition” by Laurie Shapiro of the RLL program
2nd Place: “The Fine Line Between Helpful and Hurtful: English Language Learners and Unnecessary Special Education Placement” by Jenny Bayer of the RLL program
3rd Place: “The Important Role of Parental Involvement in Early Literacy Development” by Meredith Seay of the RLL program
Congratulations to all of the winners and thank you to everyone who participated to make this the biggest Research Symposium to date!
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