Click here to read the uplifting story of Kakenya Ntaiya, who negotiated with her father to accept female circumcision in exchange for his allowing her to complete high school. Once she did that, she continued on to college and eventually earned a doctorate in the US. She now operates a school for girls in her village and is challenging FGM.
I have to admit genital surgery is something that I have a hard time wrapping my mind around. When I read the section on sunna and infibulation in the Gendered Lives text by Julia Wood- I cringed. I couldn’t imagine that pain, nor do I want to. When I read Kathleen Toner’s article I was impressed by Kakenya Ntaiya’s strength, determination, and self-sacrifice. Something that struck me was that Dr. Nitaiya ( from what I gathered in the article) didn’t hold a grudge against her people for the pain the custom (female genital surgery) caused her. Even though she moved on to further her education and experience the world, she didn’t abandon her village. Instead, she returned to help them and change their minds about education for women. I think that impressed me the most because I don’t know if I would have the grace in my heart to do that. The world needs more powerful women like Kakenya Ntaiya.