2 thoughts on “Resolve the Gender Gap In One Easy Step: Teach Girls to Act Like Boys!

  1. I think this author said it best when she wrote “When you’re a lady, you’re kind of screwed no matter how you act. If you’re assertive, you’re a bitch, you’re too aggressive, you’re obnoxious, particularly if you’re a woman of color. If you behave in the way you’ve been culturally trained to behave, then you’re meek, too quiet, a pushover, a doormat, and you are to blame for your lack of success.” I cannot even express how many times I have been told this EXACT same thing. Being a woman, I’m supposed to be quiet and non-assertive. However, I was raised a daddy’s girl. He taught me how to get what I want in the correct manner. I was so angry reading this article that women are supposed to act a certain way, but we’re supposed to act opposite of what society thinks we should to get ahead. I personally think that I have done well for myself so far, and I would not consider my behavior “boy-like”. Throughout this whole class I have disliked the fact that boys and girls are split up into two completely different categories on behavior, likes/dislikes, and personality traits. It is just what society has come to expect. I do not plan to act like a man to get ahead in the business world. I think that there are plenty of strong women that are able to prove that women can get ahead without being taught to act like a boy.

  2. I was just as irritated reading the Kevin Stannard article as S. E. Smith. I’m struggling with one point and I think it’s because I was an exception to the rule. I would consider myself to act in a feminine speech community. I don’t interrupt, I nod along with the speaker, and I try to save the other’s face with passive language if I find myself in an argument. I am not a disruptive student or employee, I don’t think that will change. But, I don’t think I need to act like a boy to get ahead. My mother is an amazing role model and she taught me how to be assertive and get ahead. Through cognitive development, I learned from her how to act as a lady and competitor. At work and at home she is quick, witty, and nothing slips by her. She has done incredibly well as a professional and I hope to be a career woman just like her. I think that S.E. Smith is right that the blame for how women are treated in the workplace shouldn’t be placed at the victims feet. However, I think that the best option we have as women is to push past the blame game and keep working at it. It’s not a perfect situation, but if my mom can do it I think I can too.

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