This is an interesting article about how a number of men and women celebrities who have been body shamed for both being “too skinny” or “too fat.” Prison Break star Wentworth Miller is particularly interesting because he breaks norms of masculinity described in chapter 7. He discusses his depression, an issue commonly faced by many men, but one that often is not talked about publicly.

Miller responds to a meme that went viral mocking his weight gain.
Of course, my favorite response is Amy Schumer’s! But, you’ll have to check out the article to get her take on it.
I think this is interesting because as a society I feel like we are quick to judge and quick to be guilty of body shaming. I actually saw this rolling around Facebook maybe a month or two ago and once I read the caption, I was mind blown. I felt so bad that people had been making fun of this man, when in actuality he had been dealing with a lot on his own. First, I think society doesn’t even think that men can deal with mental and emotional issues with their body. His caption I think it puts it into perspective that you should never be quick to judge because you don’t know what someone is going through. Whether they are a man or a women, body shaming is wrong.
I think it is really awesome that he decided to speak out and defend himself. But on the other side, it is also sad that he had to do that in the first place. We live in such a judgmental and harsh world that thinks it is okay to put others down for the way we look,dress,eat, stand, talk, etc. This form of bullying has to stop, the media needs to get it together and start posting,selling, and promoting things other than hate. Children are learning and taking in all these comments and expectations at such a young age. I have known and been around so many kids in that last couple of years that express discomfort on showing there bodies to their peers. 6 and 8 year old’s should not be already ashamed of themselves and the way they look. More Celebrities need to speak out against those who put them down and show others that it is not okay to be spread hate and mean judgement’s.
I found this article enlightening because I used to watch Prison Break, and recently heard it was coming back to TV. I did know that Wentworth Miller had gained weight since being on the show but I didn’t know about his struggle with depression and suicide.This article made me think about how women in the media are thought to be the ones who are always judged and made fun of for their body types, but it seems that over the years men are being judged more and more for their bodies as well. I think people know that body image is a sensitive subject for most women but people don’t realize how much pressure men are being put under for their bodies as well, and how it will impact them the same way body shamming impacts women.
I find this really interesting because when people think of body shamming they automatically think of women. To be honest I was the same way, until I started watching Keep Up With The Kardashian’s, and noticing that when Rob Kardashian started feeling the depression from all the hate and attention on his weight gain. I felt really bad for him because it isn’t easy being a man and to get emotional to the whole world about how he feels being over weight. It just goes to show that men and women can feel the same ways about their bodies.
I really find this interesting because not only does it show a part a more vulnerable side of celebrities it also reinforces a concept we talked about in class. It is interesting to see people who are highly admired admit that it is not that glorious because with all the fame comes criticism. With body shaming some girls are picked on for being to thick while others are thought to be too thin. I related this back to how there is no single meaning of femininity. While that is usually thought of as acts and tendencies the same concept that there are contradictions that no one can live up to. We talk about ideal personality and body and this is just another example of how even those who are highly regarded can’t fit the “mold”. It is unobtainable.
rea lly find this interesting because not only does it show a part a more vulnerable side of celebrities. It is interesting to see people who are highly admired admit that it is not that glorious because with all the fame comes criticism. With body shaming some girls are picked on for being to thick while others are thought to be too thin. I related this back to how there is no single meaning of femininity. While that is usually thought of as acts and tendencies the same concept that there are contradictions that no one can live up to. We talk about ideal personality and body and this is just another example of how even those who are highly regarded can’t fit the “mold”. It is unobtainable.
This type of body shaming is an issue that has an effect on far too many people in today’s society. In addition to the vast amounts of celebrities that have been body shamed in this extremely public fashion, many non-public figures also face society’s scrutiny. It is very difficult for both men and women to be comfortable in their own bodies when everybody surrounding them is telling them that they are not good enough. Miller’s response to the meme is extremely admirable. Having been through a great amount of mental/emotion hurdles myself as well as supporting friends in these situations, I think that it is great that he looks at this meme and is reminded of what he has been through and can push forward regardless.
I too saw this meme and found it to be extremely sad. Yes, he used to be skinnier than he is now, but no that does not mean people should pick apart another’s appearance just because the way that they look has changed. I believe we place entirely too high a standard and norm on celebrities. People criticize and scrutinize their looks, however they are never good enough; people either think they are too skinny, too fat, too muscular, etc.
What happened to being happy in your own skin? Everyone changes throughout time, however that does not mean you are not still beautiful, attractive, or worthy of positivity. I believe society places an enormous pressure on not only celebrities, but also ourselves, to mold our appearances to try to please all individuals- This should not be the case.