Recently, one day I was scrolling through some social media accounts and came across this tweet from an online account.  Usually I would see something like this and just keep scrolling past it, paying little or no attention to it at all. This tweet struck a nerve with me instead and since then I have thought about it everyday.

It’s frustrating to me to hear that being an education major is “easy”. Education majors just like all other majors have their challenging assignments and spend long countless hours studying. Before, cutting out those gingerbread men for the students, the education major student had to research and come up with a lesson plan on how they were going to incorporate those cut outs into the activity and made sure it follows state guidelines for SOLs. We as educators have to make sure the lesson is suitable for all our students and provides a benefit to their learning experience. This is just the beginning of it all,  after hours spent preparing for this activity and purchasing the supplies needed, we have to teach the lesson. We are still not finished there, we do not get to just turn our 20+ page paper/lesson plan in and call it a day. We have to asses the lesson and how it went, and grade our students work. This is all to make sure we can make changes to the next lesson.

So, next time we go to put someone else’s major down I think we need to all take a moment and remember we were all taught by teachers. Without our elementary, middle, and high school teachers we would not be able to read or write that 20+ page biochem lab report. Just as much as we need doctors, chemist, and lawyers; we need educators.