World History 1500 to Present was a very interesting course and one of my favorites after completing my first year at Longwood. The class was fairly simple with a PowerPoint presentation with notes that needed to be copied down and there were not many class discussions, but that is not why I loved the class. I really enjoyed the class because of the passion the professor had for teaching the material. She always had interesting stories about certain historical events or figures that I had never heard of before and it always kept me excited for the next class. Many times, her stories can her own travels as she has traveled to several places across Europe and Asia. Also, she made the content very manageable as there is a lot content to cover from such a vast time frame of 1500 to 2018, so she made sure we knew what was important and added in details to satisfy our curiosity. The professor also inspired me to learn more about certain events after we covered them in class by reading more about it in the textbook or online on various history websites, one such event I looked further into was the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
The artifact I chose for this class was a paper I had to write on the Bolshevik Revolution and I chose it because it was an interesting topic and it taught me how to look at an event from multiple perspectives. The class had to read an argument made from two authors who had very different opinions of the Bolshevik Revolution and whether it helped women to gain rights in Russia. After we read the article we were challenged to come up with our own opinion based on the information we had read and the material we covered in class. I enjoyed this assignment as I got to explore the material in depth and I got to give my take on a historical event that I found to be truly intriguing.