Goal 1: LSEM 100 Honors

Longwood Seminar was one of my first honors courses that I took. LSEM classes are often special classes for first year students, because your class peers are the same people who you have spent New Lancer Days with. Rather than being organized by major, honors students are only in Honors LSEM classes. These are the people who you have the opportunity to get-to-know really well.

Every week, we spent class covering a specific topic that would help us learn how to guide our freshman year as Honors students most effectively. LSEM was a great time to share “ups” and “downs” from the week and get advice on whatever we were struggling with, either personally or academically. Every week we had an assigned journal topic to write about. One week, we were required to download a program called “Toggl”. The point of this program was to record how you spend every minute of every day, whether this be sleeping, homework, social time, or even eating. This data was then summarized into a pie chart that visually described what your day consisted of. Although it was tedious to keep up with, using Toggl helped me analyze my efficiency during the day and how I could work to improve my productivity. In the assignment below, I wrote a little about what my Toggl pie chart looked like, what I expected, what surprised me, and how I can use this information to go forward.