Intro to music blog

My blogging is on music.  Different music reviews including trending artists.  New sounds in music, and how music effects are life.  I wanted to use music as a starting point to create content with such it is such a big and engrossing media platform.  I’m primarily focused on becoming professionally involved with something that takes time to do, and is a test run for writing on a subject that I love so that maybe I could get a chance to do it professionally.  I would like to give incentives to have an increase instead of having a bunch of really random tweets and posts that are confusing.  I think that music has a heavy saturation not only for performers but consumers as well to share how they feel about music.  You have music reviewers like the Needle drop who has over 1,604,384 subscribers who gets more views then some of the actual artists he reviews  This shows we are living in a reactionary world.  There isn’t a single thing we do that isn’t talked about and or discussed everything has its chance to be gone over.  Media is as powerful as ever.  With media expanding so much through the Internet anyone can share their own opinions.  Which means you have to have ways to stand out from the rest.  Interview shows are just now learning this by having the guest do something that is not just simply sitting there and being asked the same questions over and over again.  There is a YouTube channel called First We Feast. The show capitalizes on this well during the interview process the host and celebrity guest eat chicken wings that get progressively hotter and the guest starts to have trouble answering the questions it leads to very interesting and unexpected territories with their responses the show has become very successful with hosting many famous people  YouTube I think is one of the best platforms for user content because there are very few rules and regulations and the opinions can be your own with very little interference from the site.

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