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About Me

Throughout my life, my parents have instilled in me the knowledge and importance of possessing a strong work ethic and positive leadership skills. I began doing Girl Scouts at a young age, and always participated in volunteering for the community, at places such as our local senior center, grocery store food drive, or animal shelter. One of my favorite volunteer experiences was working at Girl Scout Camp for 6+ years, where I led a group of first graders. It was a long, tiring week, but the campers always had a fantastic time and looked forward to the next year. One volunteer experience that I am proud of is when I organized a Girl Scout talent show/tea party/fashion show to raise money for the hurricane/tsunami victims in Japan. The embassy of Japan reached out to us a few months later and invited us to a reception at the embassy to thank all of the volunteers who donated towards the efforts. I’ve continued to volunteer with children throughout my college years too. I currently volunteer at an after school club called Beyond the Numbers, where I assist lower-income children with their homework and focus on being a positive role model in their lives.

Not only have I had many experiences volunteering with children of different ages, I have also worked in multiple jobs that involve leadership positions with children. This summer I had the opportunity to work as a camp counselor at a local church camp. I was the leader of first grade campers, and it was one of the best work experiences that I’ve had. I also currently work at a local daycare near my school, Longwood University, where I am the assistant teacher to 2, 3, and 4 year old children. My job is to support the physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development of the children within the classroom, as well as encourage creativity and imagination. In addition, I’ve taught Zumba fitness to children and teenagers, ages ranging from 3-18 for a number of years. Lastly, I have had 5+ years in the restaurant industry, working at Friendly’s, Applebee’s, and Red Robin.

From my volunteer and work experience, I have gained a multitude of professional skills that will continue to help me in my future career endeavors. I have learned how to be responsible and how to be on time, as well as possess a strong work ethic and good communication skills. I am a passionate and reliable worker in any job that I do, and perform my tasks with the upmost professionalism and respect. I plan on graduating this spring with a Liberal Studies degree and a minor in children’s literature, in hopes of eventually becoming an elementary school teacher. All in all, volunteering and working has shown me how to be a positive role model and leader for others, as well as how to be a responsible hard worker in any career I pursue.