Spaces for Seeing
Dr. Gabriec
Fall 2018
Spaces for seeing was my favorite honors course from freshman year. When I found out it was based on art, I was surprised and didn’t know what to expect. However, it exceed my expectations and I found myself relating it other courses I was also taking during the Fall semester. Spaces for seeing helped me to analyze all types of visual stimuli. As a student I was not only asked to analyze what I saw, but also ask why the visual had a certain organization, and to what purpose did the arraignment serve. This class has helped open my eyes a lot to why things are presented in a certain manner, and helped me recognize bias with certain authors and the bias I carry myself.
My artifact from this class is a reflection written after visiting the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond Virginia. As a class we headed to Richmond and were invited to explore the museum with a small group or individually. While inspecting the museum and all the art it had to offer, I felt like all the class discussions and lectures were coming together. I believe the different projects we did, like this one, really defined the class and help teach me in a new way.
Pictures from VMFA