Dear Senior Year Hannah,
YOU DID IT!! You made it through nursing school!!! I know that there were many nights that you probably thought you would not make it and that you wanted to drop out, but you didn’t and I am so proud of you. The only thing now between you and the job of your dreams is the NCLEX exam. I know that if you study hard, then you can pass it though because Longwood has prepared you well.
I hope that by now you have decided what kind of nurse you want to be. I know that through the many clinical rotations, you have gotten a chance to see all the wonderful fields of nursing. Know that you do not have to settle for just one field for your whole life. There are so many possibilities in nursing that you can explore throughout your life. Take advantage of the knowledge you have obtained while at Longwood.
I know that you are sad to leave Longwood and all the friends and memories that you have made here, but just know that you will always keep those things with you and cherish them. Now you are onto bigger and better things in the next step of your life.
Always remember that you are more than capable of accomplishing anything you set your mind to! You are worth it !
Freshman Year Hannah