21st Century Tools

For Students: 

Vocabulary Tools: 


This website allows students to make flash cards, tests, and play games for any vocabulary they have. Students make flash cards with their vocabulary terms on this website which allows them to do the other activities on the site. There is also the ability to translate terms into other languages.



This website tests student’s vocabulary and then gives games, assignments, and tests to help students improve their vocabulary. This website has  a wide range of vocabulary from Middle School to Post-Graduate, and even for English Language Learners.


This website is a good resource for teachers because it offers free lesson plans that are Common Core aligned. It offer lessons, vocabulary lists, games, puzzles, literature activities, SAT / ACT vocabulary practice, and more.


Reading Tools: 


This website has lots of information about reading for all different levels. There are interactive guides, videos, and other resources for students. There is also pages for teachers and parents.



This website is a a great resource and has lists of apps for helping dyslexic students. These apps could be loaded onto school laptops or iPads or the students could even put them on their own devices.

Study Tools: 


This website is wonderful for students to learn study skills. It has highlight options, organization, notes, a search ability, drawing, and the ability to transfer notes seamlessly to a phone or iPad. The best feature is students can collaborate using this website with each other or the teacher.


This website lets students set a timer which gives students increments to stop studying and then prompts them to begin studying again.

For Teachers: 

Lesson Planning / Organization :


This is an online Lesson Plan book website that allows you to share your lesson plans with other teachers. It is very organized and allows you to put your lesson plans on your phone, laptop, or tablet.


This is an online planner that also features great organization and being able to share, but it has the SOL and Common Core Standards already loaded into the program. When you are lesson planning you can automatically insert the SOL and their framework into your plans.


Pintrest is a teacher’s best friend! This website allows you to search anything and features pictures which link to a webpage explaining the content. This is great for lesson planning, classroom organization, posters, projects, and many more things!