From NatGeo to US News& World Report: An Insider’s Perspective

By Madison Miles

The recent Student Alumni Conference on Thursday, April 6th highlighted nine Communication Studies alumni who work in a variety of communication fields. Gabby Frederick, Kevin Green, and Rebecca Lundberg gave us a glimpse into the digital media world.

Gabby Fredrick works as a Multiplatform Programing Coordinator for National Geographic Partners. Fredrick plans programs and activities while implementing policies and practices for National Geographic. She was excited to come back to her alma mater and reminisce with students about her experiences at Longwood.

When asked who her fav
orite professor Communication Studies professor was, Gabby stated: “The holy trinity of the COMM department: Tracy, Naomi, and Halliday.”

Fredrick says “I chose Communication Studies because of my love for media and the desire to help tell a story,” which was shown as she spoke about her position to eager students.



Rebecca Lundberg also works in the digital media field as a Product Coordinator at U.S. News & World Report. Lundberg manages the distribution of their products, sales, and customer interests.


Prior to her return to campus, Lundberg was remembering her time on the Rotunda, stating: “I really loved the nights I’d spend with The Rotunda newspaper staff until 2a.m., working on the paper, eating way too much pizza and inspiring hilarious inside jokes.”

She encouraged the students to get involved with the campus media, saying it will give you the opportunity to learn the basics of developing content and being part of a media organization.



The Student Alumni Conference came to a close by providing networking opportunities for students as they move closer to their future careers. The networking provided students and alumni the chance to interact on an individual level.


Overall, this inaugural event was a huge success for our students, department, and the visiting alumni!

