First Job – Check! Time to Fit In

There may be a thousand thoughts racing through your head once you hear that someone in the professional world wants your skill set, and that is completely normal! Being offered a job position evokes emotions that only some of the best movies have the ability to do.  A major question many of us have is “Will I fit in?”  Even though you have researched the company culture and understand that their values are in line with yours, this does not mean that your co-workers will automatically be your best friend. This post will provide you with a few tips on how to assimilate in your new job and make it enjoyable, but productive, between the hours of 9 and 5.

Be Ready, the Interview May be Over But…

At this point you have won over your employer, which is why you are at this stage in the game, however, your co-workers are a separate entity.  This are the men and women you will be collaborating with, consulting with, and talking with every single day. When they see a fresh face in the office, they are going to want to get to know the new member of the team.  Be ready for questions.  Jacquelyn Smith with Business Insider explains that you should be ready to answer questions regarding who you are, where you have come from, and what you will doing with the company.  This does not mean you have to be scripted, because this could come off as impersonal, just have and understanding of what you will tell people when the ask.  A great way to get to know co-workers and vis-a-versa is to go to lunch.

Eat, Drink and Be…Informed

The old saying goes “eat, drink and be merry,” yet dinning can be your door to fitting in with the rest of the office. Ritika Trikha with US News and Money states, “Always say yes to lunch[!]”  First off, saying no is not only rude, but it would automatically put you at the bottom of the social totem pole.  Use lunch as an opportunity to get the scoop on the office culture.  Hearing their input in a more relaxed setting will give you the most honest feedback on what is expected and what is acceptable.  Conversation, whether at lunch or at the water cooler, could take a turn away from culture to gossip. Dawn Rosenberg McKay, a Career Planning Expert, states “Pay attention to the office grapevine, but don’t contribute to it.”  Since you are new, participating in gossip will only set you against a co-worker.  Instead of gossip, keep the conversation on why you belong there.

Prove You Belong

Finally, remember why you are there: To work.  You were hired for a reason and now you have to show them that you were hired for the right reasons.  Dharmesh Shah, Founder and CTO of Hubspot, explains you should “Spot the high performers and mimic them.” Going above and beyond what is expected will not only grab attention from your co-workers, but also your higher-ups.  Jenna Goudreau, with Business Insider, advises that you should live up to the expectations you set for yourself when you were hired.  Lastly, Dawn Rosenberg McKay says to “…Arrive to work early and don’t rush out the door…”  Show everyone that you are dedicated and will do what it takes to get the job done.

There is no formula that explains the best way to fit in at your new job.  Instead, there are only tips that will give you a heads up on what to expect.  At the end of the day, be the employee they hired you to be and give 100% effort at your new position.  If that is all you do, you will soon find yourself fitting in and cruising up the ranks.


