To My Senior Self

Dear Senior Chase,

You are nearly finished do not give up now! Stay on task always, and do no put off stuff to the last minute. Read more and more every day. Even if it is for 10 minutes it is good for you. This will help you achieve your goal of becoming a lawyer. You need to start decided if you plan on finishing at Longwood and getting you masters or not. I think you should do it here, this is a great place to do it at. Longwood as a community has a lot to offer, and I hope you are taking full advantage of all the fun things around you. Please do not tell me you just sit around and play video games all day. I hope you made more friends and connections to help you social network in the future. Join more clubs, and do not be scared to make mistakes. Be yourself, and don’t feel like you need to change for anyone. You have a strong gut feeling. Do not waste your time with things that only pull or hold you back. Be independent and find your true path.

All the best,
