Balancing Student Success with Your Well-Being


Balancing Student Success with Your Well-Being

Longwood University Teaching and Learning Institute
9:00am-5:15pm w/ reception following
May 15, 2019

Blackwell Hall

As educators, we are motivated to create learning environments that cultivate curiosity, encourage self-regulated learning, and challenge learners to critically engage in problem solving. We are invested in teaching disciplinary content and foundational learning skills in Civitae and in the context of our disciplines. We celebrate when students “stick with it” and challenge themselves to learn, and we are stymied when students “give up” too soon or passively wait for our instructions and assistance. Students’ diverse identities pose challenges and create opportunities.  College counseling and disability resource centers have seen dramatic increases in the number of students served and severity of diagnoses. What is our role as faculty members? In the context of the learning environment, how do we facilitate student resiliency and well-being? How do we differentiate between what is normal stress and a crisis? How does maintaining healthy boundaries with students ensure course integrity and promote well-being for students and faculty? How do we create learning environments that encourage consistent student engagement and persistence? How do we teach both content and foundational learning skills in the same course?

The Center for Faculty Enrichment (CAFE) invites you to participate in a day of interactive exploration of these questions.  In addition to the keynote address, participants will choose from a variety of sessions focusing on the institute theme.

This year’s guest speaker is Lindsay Kubaryk, a senior analyst at the Educational Advisory Board (EAB)’s Strategic Research division. In this role, she works with chief student affairs officers on their most pressing areas of concern, including student mental health, sexual violence prevention and reporting, and diversity and inclusion.

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