Graphic Movement

From when we were little kids, at least in America, we learn (hopefully) to read and write from left to right, top to bottom. The same way that you’re most likely reading this post. I bet your eyes are drawn to the image just below this paragraph and that was kind of the point.



This photograph is very much real, in the depths of Hawaii oceans. The sunset is beautiful and the look of knowing that the sun is going down while the waves crash onto the shore is breathtaking. If you’ve been to the beach, you may associate this photo with a memory. You may hear the sound of seagulls, smell the salt in the air, or feel a Corona and lime touch your lips.

This photograph was taken to show movement. Where do your eyes go? What are they drawn to? Mine are the clouds but then I look at the wave and it captures me all over again. The color that is shown in the clouds is also another cool aspect of the movement in the photograph. The horizontal line keeps our eyes looking on the scene and then where the wave ends and begins seems to show us the vanishing point.

“We see not with our eyes but with signs and symbols in our brain” -Dr. A. H. 

Photo by: Robbie Vallad