
News Release 1 copy

This project was given to me during my Public Relations Writing course. We were to act as if we were apart of the Dunkin Donuts Public Relations team and announce that were adding new corporate policies.

News Release 2 

This project was given to me during my Public Relations Writing course. We, again, were to act as if we were apart of the Trader Joes Public Relations team and announce that we were eliminating the use of plastic bags within all the stores across the United States.

Nike Campaign Phase I

This project was given to me during my Fundamentals of Public Relations course. I was assigned a group with two other classmates. We were to choose a company who has been shown in the news with a controversial topic, my group and I chose to be apart of Nike’s Public Relations team. During this paper we discussed what Nikes, SWOT Analysis, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, publics, and exigence were. This is an important project to me because this is the first big project I had to collaborate with classmates with. It taught me patience and to help with parts my classmates needed additional help in.

Nike Campaign Phase II

This project was given to me during my Fundamentals of Public Relations course, it is the second part of my Nike project. This part entailed the SMART objectives to how we were going to fix the perspective of how our targeted audience views Nike. This project is important to me because it is the first time I learned and created SMART objectives.