Independent Samples T-test

Independent Samples T-test

For this T-test, we looked at the differences of the means for question 16 and 40. Question 16 asked how much assistance the child/children need when performing the noodle necklace activity, and question 40 ask if anyone else that lived in the house participated in any of the activities. Table 1 shows the mean for group 1 (question 16) was 7.62 and the mean for group 2 (question 40) was 6.50. Performing T-test using RStudio Cloud, we found that there is no significant difference at the 95% level.

Table 1

Independent Samples T-test for Differences in Assistance Child Required for Activity and If Anyone else Participated in Activity

Variable                                                                      Mean               T value

Group 1                                                                        7.62                1.65

Group 2                                                                        6.50

Note: p<.05*. p<.01**. p<.001***