Common Good Project

Link to website & info-graphic: 

Rationale Statement for FAB FIT FUN

With this Common good project, we aim to explain the importance of physical activity in physical and mental health as well as disease prevention. We also want more people to exercise regularly so that they will be able to reap the many benefits of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. By educating people on diseases that can come from lack of exercise, our hope is that they will want to become physically active to prevent those diseases. Our team name is FAB FIT FUN because that is what can happen when people participate in physical activity; FAB- because it would be fabulous to decrease the obesity rate in America, FIT- because more people getting fit and healthy is important to life longevity and FUN- because introducing a healthy lifestyle that is fun and people will enjoy is important to them sticking with a fitness plan. Participating in physical activity is not just about having a skinny waist or big muscles, it is about having a healthy body. Just because someone is skinny doesn’t always mean they are healthy. Along with having a healthy body comes a healthy mind. Knowing about the benefits of physical activity can be an important for those that also use exercise for their mental health. The slogan “exercise is medicine” is widely known in this field and the mental health field because so many people use exercise as a stress or anxiety reducer on top of the physical benefits for the body.

We will be targeting an audience of children and their parents in hopes of educating them about childhood obesity, childhood diseases and other problems that show up when children are inactive. We will also be focusing on college aged students, to examine the importance of physical activity for stress relief, educational benefits and health benefits. Those that participate in physical activity on a regular basis tend to have higher grades and grade point averages in school. Physical activity is also a good stress reliever because it takes the mind off the stressful things and releases endorphins that improve mood. The last group that we will be targeting is middle to older aged adults. Regular physical activity is very important for everyone’s health, especially when it comes to older adults. It prevents a number of diseases and illness that can inhibit someone’s quality of life; like osteoporosis, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and many more.

Within our website and infographic we have provided our clients with plenty of information to figure out what stage of physical activity they are at and how to get motivated to start or increase their level of physical activity. We have even provided fitness plans for four of the major muscle groups in the body to further help our clients get started with their activity and fitness. A “tips and tricks” section on our website will continue to help our clients with their motivation as well as make preparing for exercise and exercising even easier for them. A side by side comparison of the common myths and facts about physical fitness is provided on our website and also on the infographic. All of this information will allow our clients the opportunity to learn about the most common myths and understand why they are just that, myths. We are optimistic that allowing people easier access to this information will give them more of a reason to engage in physical activity for their own health and quality of life. Our website and infographic will also give people a resource to educate their friends and family and hopefully reduce the number of cases of diseases and the mortality rate from those diseases in the United States.

We will be using ethos in this project with the use many credible sources including The American Heart Association, American College of Sports Medicine, the ACSM website “Exercise is Medicine”, The Red Cross and many others. These sources are well respected, credible and experienced in this area of study due to their own extensive research projects and supported studies. Through these sources everyone can gain access to their studies and any other information about physical activity, common diseases and the importance of preventing those diseases. We used information and statistics straight from these reliable sources throughout our website and infographic to make sure we provided our clients with correct information.

We will be using logos in this project by providing information and statistics from qualified sources and explaining the cause and effects of people not participating in regular physical activity and the multitude of diseases they could acquire. Not participating in regular physical activity can expose someone to many diseases which can also introduce them to even more comorbidities or other diseases. Not taking proper care of your health with enough physical activity can quickly become a downhill spiral. We will also talk about how the lack of physical activity in the population is affecting the US as a whole; including kids, college age adults and even middle and older adults. The “Benefits” and “Get Active” pages on our website are there to provide our clients, hopefully, with enough information to persuade them into participating in daily physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. There are statistics and special considerations, for all of our audiences, provided throughout our infographic to allow easier access to all the information for clients.

We will be using pathos in this project by appealing to people’s emotional sides. We will discuss what happens when people do not exercise enough or properly. Lack of exercise can allow many diseases to affect the body. This can be an emotional topic for some people if they or someone they know has experience with one or more of the diseases mentioned on our website. Diseases like hypertension, obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure are starting to affect people at younger ages and even kids. All of those diseases and more, like osteoporosis and heart disease, are affecting middle and older aged individuals. We mentioned some of the benefits of physical activity on our website and infographic in order to get people thinking about their own health and make them want to do better. Talking about the consequences of these diseases can elicit emotions like empathy, sympathy, sadness and more in individuals. Eliciting those emotions is part of using pathos in this project and everyday life.