Sponsors and Support

February 7, 2017 / Linda Townsend / Uncategorized

Conference Support


Conference planning and coordination:

Linda Townsend, Office of Assessment and
Institutional Research

Susie Ramsey, Office of Assessment and Institutional Research

Technical support:

John Hogge, Conferences & Scheduling

Ed Morris, Conferences & Scheduling

Muneeb Mobashar, Digital Education Collaborative




Established in January 2012, the Longwood Assessment Mini-grant Program (LAMP) is supported through Longwood University sponsorship.  Our 2017 Conference presenters were recipients of the LAMP 2016 awards, which were sponsored by the following:

Center for Faculty Enrichment (CAFÉ)

College of Business & Economics

College of Education & Human Services

College of Graduate & Professional Studies

Cook-Cole College of Arts & Sciences

Greenwood Library

Office of VP Administration & Finance

Office of VP Institutional Advancement

Office of VP/Provost, Academic Affairs

Office of VP Student Affairs


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