Author Archives: Linda Townsend

Correlation Between Where One Lives and Their Academic Success at Longwood University

Presented by Josh Blakely and Jen Cox

The office of Residential and Commuter Life looked at persistence data from students entering Longwood University. After analyzing data from three distinct cohorts (entering Fall 2007, Fall 2008, and Fall 2009) results indicated that students living in Longwood-managed housing throughout their academic career had a very high persistence rate. Results also indicated that more research must be done to determine programmatic ways to assist commuter students. Furthermore, the third subcategory “resimuter” showed a need to further refine how the institution tracks and categorizes changes in residential status.

Josh Blakely works as the Director of Residence doing the challenging work of making a difference to students every day. He is deeply committed to helping college students, and the professionals that support them, reach their full potential. He is constantly challenging the people around him to be better brothers, sisters, paraprofessionals, and friends. His dry sense of humor and willingness to laugh at himself help to engage others in the serious topics he presents. Josh has a passion for residence life, college student development, Title IX issues, and the transformative power of the Greek experience.

Jen Cox currently serves as the Director of Commuter Life. She received her Bachelor’s degree from Christopher Newport University and her Master’s degree from Villanova University. Jen has been working with commuter students at Longwood since her arrival in 2007. Throughout her tenure at Longwood Jen has focused on making meaningful connections with students through individual and small group conversations.