CTZN 110

My first Honors experience was first semester in my CTZN110 course with Dr. Justin Ellis. Our topic was Citizenship Through Sustainability; we primarily focused on what Longwood is/was doing with sustainability efforts, with some comparisons to other universities across the country. For our final project, we were paired and assigned a sustainability component (event recycling, solar energy, gardens, green spaces, dining sustainability, etc.) to study Longwood’s efforts and propose improvements or suggestions. I found this project to be stimulating and interesting as it taught me so much about our campus within just my first semester – I learned a lot more than most students know about Longwood as they graduate as seniors.

Because this was a speaking-infused course, a main skill of focus was inquiry. We spent a lot of time learning how to conduct professional interviews and draft interview questions; we practiced with Longwood staff members in charge of various facilities on campus (Grant Avent in Dining, Dave Love in Landscaping). This was extremely valuable practice that I feel will help me in so many aspects of life as a student, scholar, and professional in the field one day.

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