Our first major assignment in this course was completing a correspondence package. The correspondence package included a Bad News and Persuasive Letter. In my Bad News Letter, I took on the role as a city councilor informing one of his constituents that the city council is unable to repair the potholes around the city. In my Persuasive Letter, I switched roles and wrote as a concerned citizen to the city councilor asking the councilor to repair the growing amount of potholes in her neighborhood. By writing these two documents, I learned how to “produce writing genres commonly found in the professional world,” as seen in the first course outcome. Before this course, my writing was wordy and lacked conciseness. I have more experience writing for the academic setting rather than for the professional world. With these two assignments, I was able to enhance my professional writing skills by practicing using plain English that is clear, concise, and grammatically correct (second course outcome). Additionally, as seen in the fourth course learning outcome, I gained experience creating professional documents in their specific formats and layouts. Before enrolling in ENGL 470, I had limited experience with writing and formatting professional letters. I now can effectively and professionally communicate with colleagues and other individuals in the professional setting. This skill set will prove to be useful in my future career as a Speech-Language Pathologist. My Bad News and Persuasive Letters are displayed below.
Bad News Letter
Persuasive Letter