As seen throughout my portfolio, I provided viewers a brief summary of the assignments that I completed and the knowledge I gained in ENGL 470. On the homepage, I have included an academic/professional bio as well as stated the purpose of this ePortfoilo. The next four pages explained how the correspondence package, brochure, press release, and the Formal Report allowed me to accomplish the course learning outcomes. Overall, ENGL 470 enhanced both my professional written and oral communication skills. Additionally, I learned how to produce, design, and format various professional documents. While I may not be an English major or going into the corporate world, the skills and knowledge I gained in this course are applicable and transferrable to my future career as a Speech-Language Pathologist. Whether it is writing treatment plans, documentation, advocating for my clients, or adverting my services, the writing skills that I learned in ENGL 470 will prove to be useful in my profession.