Honors Class 4

EDUC 245-50

I took this class, Human Growth and Development, my second semester of my Freshman year.  There were only nine of us in the class, so we had a great rapport and no fear of speaking in front of one another.  Though this class is definitely weighted to the side of early childhood education, it was really important for me (and others) as future secondary teachers, because we need to understand children’s early stages to understand how they get to be who they are by the time they reach us.  The first half of the semester we paired up, each taking a chapter of the textbook and presenting it ourselves (with add-ons by our professor).  Then, in the second half, we each chose a chapter to present by ourselves.  We also did a project about something that can greatly affect children’s lives in school.  One person did emotional abuse, another did diabetes, another did being a child of a military parent, and I did autism.  This was extremely eye-opening for all of us, because there are so many different aspects of children’s lives that we as educators have to consider when we teach them.

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