Honors Class 1


LSEM was my first peek at what college life would be.  Half of my grade counted for attending Honors Week, which was a whirlwind of learning and fun.  We travelled to Yogaville in Buckingham County, where we learned about world religions and meditated in one of the calmest, quietest, and most beautiful buildings I’ve ever seen.  We played kickball on Wheeler Lawn and explored the Moton Museum with Dr. Fergeuson.  In LSEM proper with Professor Bradshaw, we learned about one another and how nervous each of us were to  begin school during New Lancer Days.  During the year we met once a week, often in Java City or otherwise a comfortable room in Bedford where we discussed our lives and our goals for the future.  There was work involved too; we had to write papers that forced us to look into ourselves rather than just a simple topic.  We did in class activities that taught us more about ourselves than many of us were expecting to learn in those first few months of being at college.  We saw some members transfer schools at the end of the semester, but most importantly we all formed connections that we still have with one another.

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