Honors Class 3

HIST 100-50

This class was like my first peek at what the rest of college would really be like, aside from LSEM.  It seemed at the time that Dr. Isaac had no mercy for us freshman (and some sophomores) in that class, but looking back I feel much better off for his intense course.

Essentially, the class taught us about ancient western civilizations.  But, more importantly, it taught us to have a mature class discussion while being professional and objective in our views.  We did a lot of reading outside of class, and when we came in we would discuss endlessly what we thought of the text, the methods, the reasoning, etc.  We wrote papers about the same topics, and our final was a realistic fiction — requiring us to use our imagination to write a story in a historically accurate setting.  We each gave a presentation to the class as well, twice, to ensure our understanding of how to start a discussion about history and to help improve our public speaking skills.

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