Honors Class 2

MUSC 224-50

This class, music appreciation, taught me a lot more than I had expected, since I was a musician in high school.  We learned a lot about music theory, taking weekly music quizzes to identify composers, styles of music, etc.  We also completed multiple projects, each pair completed an analysis and presentation of a movie, including Batman, Fat Man and Little Boy, and World War Z.  These projects forced us to pay more attention to the music behind the dialogue and identify underlying themes that connected major points in the movie.  Each person in class was supposed to view the movie on their own at home, as there was a quiz before the presentation.  The other project we had to do was related to our major: we had to make relevant a piece of music to our area of study.  For instance, I am a history major, so this was quite easy since most of the pieces are from the past (see General Education – Goal 4).  We also had the opportunity to travel to Richmond to hear the Richmond Symphony Orchestra and Chorus to watch Carmina Burana, and then again to see Sweeny Todd.

World War Z

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