About Me

(left to right) Me and my sister, Madeline

Hello, my name is Rebecca Alvarez. I was born and raised in Central Virginia, but my family is from El Salvador. I have two amazing parents and three older siblings, one of whom attended Longwood. 

     I am a freshman Physics major with a concentration in Pre Engineering. When I began my journey at Longwood, I began as a History, Secondary Education major. People always ask why such a big jump? The answer is I love history with all my heart and I enjoyed both history classes that I took here, but I do not love what I can do with a history major. I knew I would love my time as a history major, but I would not enjoy being a teacher or historian. I decided to look into a different path and once I discovered Longwood’s amazing Duel Degree Engineering Program, I fell in love. While the classes won’t be as exciting as history and they will be difficult, I look forward to being an engineer. 

     Outside of academics, I am a student worker at Dorril Dining Hall. I am involved with InterVarsity and I am a new member of the Longwood Company of Belly Dance. Currently, I am the Vice President of Hispanic Latino Association and next year I will be secretary.