All posts by Aicha Benamor

Hi everyone! My name is Aicha, I'm 18 years old and came here from Morocco. I'm majoring in Criminal Justice and plan on minoring in forensics next semester as well. College has been great so far and have made many new memories with the people that I have met here, and hope to continue to do so with the same people and hopefully new ones too. In high school I was on the varsity volleyball, basketball and soccer team and my junior and senior year I was voted captain for soccer. That was my first experience of leadership and it has taught me a lot I know about being a leader. I also really love traveling and exploring new places and learning about new cultures since I have lived in 5 different places in my life, it has really opened my eyes as to how other people around the world live their lives. One last thing I really love is music. I love to just listen to instrumentals and write lyrics and sing them, it is a relaxer for me and gets me to explore my creative side. My first year being away from home has been great so far and hope to experience new things and step out of my comfort zone.