Internship Journal 3

Since my last journal entry I have learned a few things. To start it off, I’ve learned that I need to put more time into my work. When I take more time I not only understand that technology more but how to teach it better. So as I make the videos, I can self-edit as I go, rather than creating work as fast as I can. I’ve also been tasked with creating quizzes for each video. This process has taught me how to create the instructional voice better and create content that is easier to understand. If I cant answer my own questions I need to go back and add the needed content.

The biggest challenge I’ve faced is coming back to the internship course. I’m so hyper focused on the work itself that I often forget to log hours or keep track of assignments as they come up. I mentioned it in the last post, but time management is still an issue for me. I’m beginning to understand the importance of that process a little more.  I think doing an internship in the fall while still taking classes is a little different than a full time job or taking a summer internship because I can focus solely on the work. Where as in the fall I have to balance my senior classes with the internship workload.

That being said, being able to manage your time appropriately is an important skill in any field. This is one of the first times I’ve dealt with professional deadlines. Working with a deadline will help prepare me for future work that is centered around a specific time table. Beyond the craft itself of creating instructional videos, the little things are what I need to focus on, such as: going back over my work to look for any mistakes, clear communication with my boss or supervisor and keeping my content organized.