Kaynia Winn’s Portfolio Part 1:

Kaynia Winn


Sociology: Family Concentration with a Minor in Psychology.

Around Richmond

My career aspirations has to be something with a consistent leadership opportunity and gain valuable skills.

Sociology 220

Age: 21, Gender: Female, Race: Black, Religion: Baptist, Income: 50k to 60k a year, Educational Background: college degree, Downtime: sleeping.

  1. Internal Dimensions: Race, Gender, & Physical Ability- I say Gender and Race because all of the women in my life are black, strong and independent. Physical ability has been a big thing for me because I value the fact that I can be physically healthy and it’s really important to me.
  1. External Dimensions: Education, Income, & Political Affiliation- Education because I will graduate from longwood with a bachelors in sociology with a family studies concentration and a minor in psychology. 
  1. Organizational Dimensions: Work Location, Political Affiliation, & Functional Level/Classification- Work location has to be near my family no more than 30 minutes. Political Affiliation because I believe in change in the positive direction and the way with that is by having a view or stance politically. Funct./classification because to go along with both previous I want to work and live in a better country which goes along with class hierarchy.  
  1. Four Identities: Identities for my future self are Income, Marital Status, Education and Parental Status.

Income: Income plays a crucial role in my life, directly influencing my overall well-being and future plans. I aim to earn no less than $60,000 a year because I believe this figure not only reflects my skills and efforts but also allows me to achieve my personal and financial goals. A stable income is essential for providing security, pursuing my passions, and ultimately building the life I envision for myself. It’s more than just a number; it’s about creating opportunities and a comfortable lifestyle.

Education: Education is number two on my list of priorities because it lays the foundation for my future success. A strong educational background opens doors to better job opportunities and equips me with the skills I need to excel in my career. I believe that investing in my education will not only enhance my knowledge but also boost my confidence and critical thinking abilities. It’s essential for personal growth and empowers me to pursue my passions and make informed decisions. Education is a key driver in achieving my goals and realizing my potential.

Marital Status: Marital status is third on my list of priorities because I’ve come to understand the financial implications of marriage through a class I took on the subject. I can confidently say I don’t plan to get married, as I believe remaining single allows me to maintain greater financial independence and flexibility. This choice means I can focus on my career and personal goals without the potential complications that marriage might bring. For me, prioritizing my financial well-being and personal freedom is essential, and I feel empowered in my decision to stay single. 

Parental Status: Parental status is last on my list of priorities because I want to have one child, but I know that raising a child comes with significant mental, physical, financial, and emotional demands. I want to ensure that I’m in a stable place in my career before taking on this responsibility. It’s important to me to feel comfortable and secure, both professionally and personally, so I can provide a nurturing environment for my future child. I believe that planning and stability will allow me to be the best parent I can be, and that’s why I’m prioritizing my career and personal well-being first.

  1. Income: My income influences how I perceive myself and how others perceive me. A stable income helps me feel aligned with societal expectations of success, which can enhance my social standing. Earning a good income boosts my self-esteem by affirming my capabilities and hard work. It allows me to live comfortably and invest in my interests, contributing to a positive self-image. Achieving my financial goals increases my sense of self-efficacy. The belief that I can reach my desired income level reinforces my confidence in other areas of my life, as I see the results of my efforts. A stable income allows me to support myself and contribute to causes I care about, enhancing my sense of mattering. I feel that my financial contributions have a positive impact on my community, which affirms my value.

Marital Status: My choice to remain single shapes my social identity, allowing me to challenge societal norms around marriage. It helps me connect with others who value independence, fostering a sense of belonging within that community. Choosing not to marry can enhance my self-esteem, as it reflects my commitment to my values rather than conforming to external pressures. I take pride in my autonomy and the life choices I make. This decision reinforces my self-efficacy by emphasizing my ability to create a fulfilling life on my terms. I feel empowered in my independence, which translates into confidence in other areas. By prioritizing my personal growth and career, I feel that I matter not just to myself but also to those around me. I contribute to discussions about independence and self-fulfillment, which resonates with others.

Education: Education is a key component of my social identity, linking me to a community of learners and professionals. It shapes how I relate to others and positions me within societal hierarchies. Achieving educational milestones boosts my self-esteem, as I recognize my capabilities and intellect. This accomplishment provides a foundation for my future successes. Gaining knowledge and skills through education enhances my self-efficacy. I feel more capable of tackling challenges in my career and personal life, knowing I have the tools to succeed. Education allows me to contribute meaningfully to discussions and initiatives that matter to me. It empowers me to share knowledge and support others, reinforcing my sense of purpose.
Parental Status: My decision to have one child shapes my social identity as a future parent. It reflects my values and how I wish to engage with family and community. Planning for parenthood only after achieving stability boosts my self-esteem. It shows that I am prepared and responsible, which enhances my confidence as a future parent. Understanding the challenges of parenthood and planning accordingly increases my self-efficacy. I feel capable of handling the responsibilities of being a parent, knowing I will be in a stable position. My choice to have a child later reinforces my sense of mattering, as I want to provide a nurturing environment. This decision reflects my commitment to being a present and supportive parent, which I believe will have a lasting impact on my child’s life.

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