Press Release


The second part of the brochure assignment was to also create a press release to go along with it. The press release was on the same topic as the brochure, the Solo Mower. The press release required us to write a one page paper announcing our product. The press release required us to use the AIDA method. The AIDA method stands for attention, interest, desire, and action. After completing the press release assignment I see that it meets student outcomes one, two, four, and six. Student learning outcome one states, “analyze and produce writing genres according to the rhetorical situation of workplace contexts.” The press release outlined this student outcome by requiring my group to play a role as a business owner that is trying to advertise and sell the Solo Mower. This taught my group members and I what all goes into advertising and selling of a product. The next student learning outcome that this assignment aligned with is number two that announces, “create professional documents that use plain English principles (to targeted audiences).” In the press release we learned to alter our language according to the audience that we are writing to. The press release required us to write to the media informing them on the new product that has just been released. Then student learning outcome four was achieved by the completion of the press release which declares, “create professional documents that use design principles.” The press release allowed my team and I to use design principles such as the AIDA method as explained above. This allowed my team to properly format the press release. We also incorporated the eight c’s into our writing. The eight c’s are clear, concise, concrete and specific, complete, courteous, coherent, constructive, and correct. Lastly, the student learning outcome that was mastered in this assignment was number six that revealed, “participate productively in collaborative projects.” The press release required me to work with two other classmates. This taught me how to split up the work evenly so that way it was fair to everyone in my group. Overall, this assignment taught me how to collaborate and create a professional document while incorporating design principles.

Press Release: