
Included in this ePortfolio you will see the following: persuasive and bad new letters, brochure, press release, and professional report. While taking professional writing skills I learned how to construct professional documents that included design principles and writing skills that enhance my writing. In creating all of the documents throughout the course, I have developed many skills that can be transferred to other contexts in my future careers. For example, as an inspiring elementary school teacher, I will need organization, leadership, and research skills in order to be a successful educator to present to my future students. Throughout this class I got the chance to work on group assignments with two other classmates. The two assignments that required teamwork were the brochure and newsletter and the professional report. While working with a team, I learned how to be responsible for my work load and to collaborate with my team members in order to create a fulfilling product. Within the course we had to present two presentations, one individual and one with a group. The presentation that was achieved individually was a TedTalk. While the one with a group was an overview of the professional report. Having to present in class has allowed me to gain experience talking in front of an audience and allowed me to communicate my points effectively. This is an important skill to have as an educator. As an inspiring teacher I will be required to communicate with a number of individuals throughout my career. I will have to not only communicate with my students but also parents, other teachers, and administration. After graduation, I hope to take all of the skills that I have learned in professional writing skills and apply them to my career as a future teacher.

Thank you for taking the time to view my ePortfolio!