

The persuasive letter and bad news letter assignments were embedded into the curriculum in English 470. The two assignments align with the course learning outcomes which can be found on the home page of my site. The first course learning outcome that was achieved by completing these two assignments was the first one which states, “analyze and produce writing genres according to the rhetorical situation of workplace contexts.” In the two assignments we learned how to write based on two different situations. The persuasive letter was written to persuade someone to fill the potholes on the roads in Hanover County. The bad news letter was written to request the speed up of the repairs on your street. The second course learning outcome that aligned with the two assignments was the second one which reveals, “create professional documents that use plain English principles (to targeted audiences).” These two assignments required me to be able to change my writing based on the audience that I am writing to. The assignments also required me to incorporate ethos, pathos, and logos into my writing as well as the eight Cs. The last course outcome that aligns with these assignments is number four that states, “create professional documents that use design principles.” In these assignments I had to learn how exactly to format letters in the appropriate way. The two assignments taught me many things that I will be able to take with me in my future career that will be utilized to be a professional individual.

Persuasive Letter:

Bad Newsletter: