About me

Before I started college, I went to Bishop Ireton High School, which is a private high school located in Alexandria, Virginia. I started Longwood University in the fall of 2016 and since then I’ve pushed myself out side of my comfort zone, found a major and minor that I’m both very passionate about and want to pursue in my future career.

I first started college as an undeclared student with no clue what I wanted to do with my life or what I was even interested in. But, after the first semester I found interest in Communication Studies. I started becoming fascinated in this particular subject because of my love of writing, originally it just started as writing for fun but after doing research on the communications department I noticed that I could apply my writing skills into interviewing, broadcasting, and even filming. I have also joined Kappa Delta Alpha chapter at Longwood. Being in a sorority has taught me how to become more organized, charismatic, and communicative. Also, being apart of such a great group of women has made me more confident in myself and in my work


Ever since then I’ve been falling more in love with my major with every new class I get to take. I’ve just added on a Sociology minor and can’t wait to start exploring the subject more. I decided on declaring  a sociology minor because I am passionate about people and the feelings of others. So, this lead me to start to understand why people act and react they way they do. In an office setting this could help me become even a better team player and help solve conflicts.

Since I’ve started at Longwood I have accomplished many different types of projects, including public speaking presentations, filming and editing my own videos, writing case studies, producing my own videos, do research, create campaigns, working different technologies and soft wares, and writing news, feature, and opinion articles. The skills that I value most in myself is the ability to adapt to any situation, being a quick thinker and problem solver, multitasking, being a team player, public speaking, and also time management. I can’t wait to gain more experience in my major and minor and continue to learn and develop new skills and techniques.