
Table 1

Independent Samples T-Test of Students’ Happiness This Semester Caused by the Guest Policy

Guest Policy    N                     Means              SD                   T                      Df                    P

Yes Guest       93                    5.23                 2.703               -1.289              143.87             0.2057

No Guest         338                  4.83                 2.639


Note: P> 0.05*, P>0.01**, P>0.001***

            In the sample, the variable was recoded to assume all answers that were not “No” as “Yes”. Mean scores of the students who answered “Yes” in favor of the guest policy scored higher on the self-evaluation of how happy they are this semester at Longwood. Even though both groups scored below the statistical average of the scale of 0-10 which is 5.5. According to the table, because my calculated t-score is less than the significant value at the 0.05 level, there is nothing significant between the means. The average means between students that are for and those against is not large enough to warrant significant findings.